Here are some photo albums of projects we’ve helped put together, or were done by our customers. If you have some photos of projects you’ve put together using EL wire, please contact us and we’ll put them into our gallery!
Glowing Fashion

Angel Fraley of Lotus Luxuries put this coat together. Made of beautiful white faux fur and generously lit by about 100 feet of pink EL wire, this jacket gives a warm, luxurious glow on cool nights.
Photos by Gabriel Cain

This costume by Birsy Rini of the Burlesque Troupe Tempting Tarts for her performance at the 2011 NorWesCon was inspired by the Rachel character in Bladerunner
Tron Costumes

These Tron-inspired costumes were made for a performance at the regional 2011 Youth Conference at The City Church in Kirkland, WA. The suits came out fantastic, and really show off the possibilities that EL wire can bring to a performance.